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Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills.

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Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills. Empty Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills.

Post  liquidg 19th January 2014, 1:05 am

The example used is a medium sized copperband upon collection from the ocean.

Copper band first spotted
Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills. Copper-band-1-_zpsfb79a121

Collected to fix
Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills. Copper-band-2-_zpsfce4f31d

Gill exterior altered due to bugs presence
Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills. Copper-band-3-_zps26ba6d30

Bug in gills up close, now apply cotton wool bud to butt of bug with mentholated spirits on the bud.
Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills. Copper-band-4-_zps81a2915b

Bug backs off and is extracted
Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills. Copper-band-5-_zpsc8e1fc3d

Copper band in tub recovering.
Gill isopod removal from reef aquarium fishes gills. Copper-band-6-_zpseecee353

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Join date : 2010-02-02
Location : Brisbane bayside

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