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Anemones life span.

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Anemones life span. Empty Anemones life span.

Post  liquidg 13th August 2018, 4:55 am

The rose quadicolor has no life span built in, they live for ever or when they are killed, three anems have that capacity, depending on the size of their living space, they propergate them selves via A-sexual reproduction or splitting.
Mine does it once they are roughly 5 inches acorss, its a small tank, in the wild its roughly 600 to 800 mill across when they divide.
The info i got in the 80s from our Q-museum was the oldest found was estimated at 2000 years old, there DNA for life span, is the same as a specific jellyfish, they directly evolved from jellies anyway as all corals did, but in their DNA, the original anem can live forever!
Some anemone species have to be killed by low salinity, predators or sickness or they literally never die!

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