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Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets!

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Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets! Empty Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets!

Post  liquidg 3rd March 2019, 12:49 am

These guys do not need a crinoid, feather sea star!

What they do need is planktonic foods constantly, well daily.
I use only frozen planktonic life or flake food for mine as I have done in the past.
They can not live in a reef tank with other life forms, if they do not starve in there, they will be predated upon!
They will live very nicely in their own habitat feeding on the same foods as they would with their symbiotic life style with crinoids!
The pair I have
Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets! 7smmM13

Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets! YtsDHqM

The male
Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets! R3JFYud

The female
Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets! QVx2lTb

Their respective shed shells
Crinoid crabs, great reef aquarium pets! RqWbT9r

Posts : 2781
Join date : 2010-02-02
Location : Brisbane bayside

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