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Where do all the toxins go and what happened to the corals?

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Where do all the toxins go and what happened to the corals? Empty Where do all the toxins go and what happened to the corals?

Post  liquidg 2nd October 2012, 10:16 am

Absolutely every problem begins and ends with our immense numbers and pushing everything else out of existence!

We don’t have to take it, we make it to hard for life to exist with us!

Before I rave on to much with this, I don’t understand how it is all done and would never profess such a thing.

Now, to understand some of the incredible conversion processes in the sea, which is eventually what this is all about, we should look at how things happen out side of the worlds oceans, the removal of some of our toxins-waste from the land and air before it gets to the sea and how they are made.

With society we add so much in relation to toxins to our world its scary and most have no real idea of how much, myself included, I try though!

There will be a reprieve from all our toxins one day that we add to nature and we will never see and that is, they are all derived from nature and near none can not be pulled back into nature by natural means and rendered harmless, that means that once we are gone, nature will regroup and defuse what we have done, there will be very few of the species that are here now, but that has been going on since this world was first formed, from mutations out of necessity or accidental- evolution!

Lets face it, if all this life can come from something like bacteria, everything has a similar basic genetic code and then the variations along it, decides if it is a tree or fish, the next round may have some wild looking life forms in it,lol.

While the earth remains in this type of rotation around the sun and spins as it does, it will begin again once our time is done!

But wouldn’t it be great to always have it this way, for the next thousand or so generations, those being umbers limited generations that is!

There has never been a dominant species that has sat back and said (on our world and there have been many different types) how can we exist and keep this world as it is and act on the whole worlds best interests, not this animal, we are far to busy trying to use so many varied brain functions combined with animal instincts that it is impossible!!

When you look at the obvious negative additions to nature from us like vehicles-

Exhaust emissions in the tons per week, the paint on the cars as it breaks down from the weather, what we washed the car with last time, the tyres as they break down, the metals as they break down, the brake pads as they break down, the lubrications as they leach out, the over all vehicles as trucks, busses, cars and motorbikes as they break down and the vehicle factories emissions where they were made, the spare and after market parts factories, the workers emissions as they built them and drove or commuted to and from that work, the oil refinery as it is extracted it from the ground to be refined, the gases as this is refined, the metal and other materials as they are refined and manufactured for vehicles, the delivery by ships and tankers to their countries and this is just vehicles.

Clothing manufacturing-
Food container manufacturing, like bottles,drums,coolite-
Road building substances like tar and concrete and the workers and machinery to carry out this-
The lights all around us that need to be manufactured and then fail and are discarded as everything is-
Food manufacturing-
Equipment for food growing and harvesting, all have to be manufactured and maintained-
Substances emitted by plastics, polymers, insecticides-
Washing of cloths, eating utensles, everything more or less gets washed or cleaned in something that ends up else where-

The list is unlimited as to the amount of anything that heads into nature from what we have developed.

Okay where does it all go????

Not the visual parts of our industrial age that we make, the ones we can’t easily see!

Well nature consumes and converts most of it, whether it is accomplished in the soil or by plant life, nature handles most of what we throw at it, that’s most of it,not all of it, we do it all to quickly!!!

From us as hobbyists we are not innocent of this, just the simple protein skimmers cup emptied, puts the toxins from our tanks back into nature, and the drains go to nature not into space!

If we look at how nature can handle all this to a great degree, we can use some of how it does it in reef aquarium keeping, the ways in which nature imports and converts most of this rubbish we emit-produce, fish and inverts are not that much different to what we personally excrete, more or less, more on that later.

Until our numbers really began to get out of hand with the introduction of things like penicillin to name one thing, staying alive beyond the average of 35years of age not that long ago was not easy as it was our life expectancy and not that many made it either.

Natural attrition kept us a little in check, meaning that along with many factors, lots mutations with in our society, didn’t work.

Not that long ago there was on going culling of us with over 14 million people dieing from mosquitoes in sometimes just one year, now the mozzies account for around 1 million per year.

Now lets look at the ocean and how it works with toxin conversion and the most valuable of what it does to look after us and the first forms of cyano as they began to achieve this, they gave the earth its first oxygen, photosynthesis!!

As time went on relatives of this cyano branched off to become the oceans phytoplankton, so along with cyano and similar, these little workers accounted for close to 60 percent conversion of everything’s CO2 and most other gas emissions, not that long ago either.
The ocean has always made more oxygen and accounted for air impurities then land plants have!

When the ocean is not overly polluted, it absorbs air and most of its make up to 5 mill deep even if it just sits there, so with the oceans movements all of what’s in our air gets in let alone our run off and is converted and the end result is we may have to change to exist in time or evolution will get us in this form for sure.

Over the last hundred years the earths oxygen that allowed us this size has dropped considerably and the amount of CO 2 we are emitting began a while ago surpassing what the land plants that are left and oceans could import and convert!

The access CO2 is raising over all ocean temps, more so noticeable near the equator, (though just in south east Queensland the ocean temps are 3 degrees higher these days) and this has brought about the demise of one third of the oceans phytoplankton, which is quite bad really, as these critters were absorbing and converting the CO2 and doing more with it then cyano can achieve.

Now this CO2 as usual enters the waters and nothing of any quantity is there to absorb and convert it, so now we have acidic oceans developing more so nearer the equator, the rest of the world except for weather events and their affects, will be sought of better off, for now.

What do we get when you combine higher acidity and warmer ocean temps,there are so many biological functions in marine life that depend on the temps and acidity remaining as it was, that this is very serious!!

The corals that actualy look good and provide excellent habitats, will go down, clown fish search functions for the host anemone will go down, cyano as it was in the beginning will become the dominant ocean life form again and its spores are not conducive to many life forms at all.

The way in which the oceans achieves life to reefs is via planktonic dispersal and this happens close to the surface of the ocean where the acidic affects are strongest and the life that begins food sources are phytoplankton as the main food source as well as the zooplankton which feeds on the phyto, this is where it all begins.

Most people went along with ravings of the idiots in society that are money driven or need followers and their were shown ways to not do anything about this so they can sit on their hands and those ways were to blame fisherman, aquarium life collectors, any one that takes something from the ocean.

What is showing now was known by us and many others and spoken about to be coming in the eighties, yet some internet sites and know nothings still rave on about my passion in particular that they really have no idea about, the ocean!

Of late the oceans algae functions have fascinated me as to their diversity and value to us all.espceialy how these life forms can run a complete home marine eco system, copying more or less how the ocean does it, when it was able to that is.

I sough of get a kick out of how the way I use to acheive the 99 percent of freeing the waters of its impurities is denounced, yet it happens around us every moment of daylight, on the land and in the sea, everything we throw at them, the masses of microbes and photosynthetic life forms go into bat for us and most people still have no idea how hard they work to keep us alive and everything else that lives with us.

We as hobbyists need to remember that all mechanical and chem filtration had to be manufactured and manufacturing is part of what caused something many have just noticed, in the last 30 years around 50 percent of the barrier reef is dead, not collected, it died!!!!

I suppose it’s not all doom and gloom, at least we now have more live rock,geez what the hell have we done!!!! Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

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Join date : 2010-02-02
Location : Brisbane bayside

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