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Dictyota algae reference photos.

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Dictyota algae reference photos. Empty Dictyota algae reference photos.

Post  liquidg 20th July 2014, 12:26 pm

Unfortunately this algae species can become quite invasive to cover weaker life forms.

This first pic defines the shape of Dictyota.
Dictyota algae reference photos. Shape-ofDictyota-_zps8655851b

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-shape-5-_zpsac582b8f

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-ciliolata-_zps63091d1f

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-shape-1-_zps27b78786

Now they get pretty.
Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-shape-4-_zps85c50411

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-shape-2-_zps2a9f43bd

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-shape-3-_zpscc07170f

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-dichotoma-2-_zps8c8123f7

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dactoyita-_zpse613d014

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota_humifusa-_zps3477393e

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota-cervicornis-_zps3097402a

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictoyata-_zps8c996c12

Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictyota_adnata-_zps491bf9b1

An example in the reef aquarium.
Dictyota algae reference photos. Dictoya-starts-_zps02d05007

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Join date : 2010-02-02
Location : Brisbane bayside

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