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Melissa Meier of 45 Gordon Road Grandchester Qld, is this person a dog breeder or rip off, a con, a liar and dog abuser?

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Melissa Meier of 45 Gordon Road Grandchester Qld, is this person a dog breeder or rip off, a con, a liar and dog abuser? Empty Melissa Meier of 45 Gordon Road Grandchester Qld, is this person a dog breeder or rip off, a con, a liar and dog abuser?

Post  liquidg 14th May 2023, 12:39 pm

Do not trust this person! she is either happy to rip you off, let a dog suffer then die for no good reason or has no real idea how to raise dogs?

I wanted a new jack Russell pup to train up as our older Jack Russell, he was not long for this world and i wanted to do this in February next year, but my wife saw one for sale on line in early May 2023 and wanted this male pup, she likes to call out to our dogs by saying, “boys”, dinner or whatever.

We have two Jack Russell dogs and had one for 14 years that passed some years back, this one is 9 years old the other is 14 years old.
The youngest is an individual well and truly and the older is a true dog! It’s actually the youngest daughters dog, it was run over and we took it in to care for it, life on the acreage with bad fences next to a main road was to dangerous for it. Plus it was let run free next to bush land with no fences for some time when younger and its nuts were left on too long so it was not a good family dog, its instincts were elevated making it not so much a family pet.

So we went out to The breeder Melissa Meiers place at 45 Gordon rd. Grandchester Qld, there are no numbers out in front of her place, not easy to find, no wonder she wanted to meet elsewhere and met the three male dogs for sale that were on display and here was the one my wife wanted.
It was quiet, its abdomen seemed enlarged and it was lethargic??
We asked her if it was sick or was there anything wrong with it, she said it was fine and had been wormed yesterday and a flee wash was applied yesterday as well; maybe that’s why it seemed sickly?

This person originally asked if we wanted to meet her somewhere to do the hand over, that seemed strange that soon in the conversation.
So from that purchase, that was reduced by $150 each from when we looked at it on line till calling about it? I thought well maybe these three for sale had been there too long and she wanted them gone? I don’t know, but this supposed pure bred Jack Russell male pup was a female, it wasn’t a male and on the card later on it said Jack Russell X so we bought a dog that had two days to live it was so sick, a female that was supposed to be a male and it wasn’t a true Jack Russell either!
So she got the sex wrong, the breed was wrong and it was so sick it had very little time left to live!!!!

As the time went on over the next two days it was worrying us as to her health going down so fast, so off to the vet hospital, they checked it and said this is very serious and did we want it to be worked on or put down now, as it probably won’t make it!!
We were asked if during their work on it, if it goes into cardiac arrest, did we want her resuscitated and if it’s easier for us, did we want her put down now??? Then did we want to say goodbye to her as she will most likely not make it.
This was so upsetting! I was quoted a huge amount of money to try and fix her, so i said do whatever she needs to live!!! So three transfusions, an IV for many hours and a lot of work a lot of drugs and she made it!

An enlarged heart, blood level at 8, near no veins showing, very little blood left in her, completely dehydrated, she was completely infested with hook worms and she had moments to live, if she was going to make it? She was in there two nights as they worked on her.

She was on deaths door, nearly just a lump of flesh with no way of standing by the time we rushed her to the vet, she is a toughie; she wanted to live no matter what this asshole did to her, she made it past the dangerously hopeless selfish upbringing she was provided with!

The vet has said that her Trama from her blood loss during the hook worm infestation, taking her blood count so low they had a lot of trouble finding a vein to give her fluids, plasma transfusion then a whole blood transfusion as she had near no blood left as the hook worms took her blood count to such a low level, she would most likely die, now all this will stunt her growth, possibly leave her with lifelong intestinal issues, her enlarged heart may cause her problems from all this as well.

It cost a great deal in emotional heart ache and money to get her a life, but she is there now but it was so very close due to this, and when a person is bad enough, like this supposed breeder, i like to refer to them as just a shit bag!!!!
We bought, not the dog it was supposed to be, unbeknown to us oh well no big deal, but a dog she most likely knew was at deaths door, off either a know nothing breeder or a dog off a vile lying dangerous dog abuser!!!!

The picture she was advertised as-
Melissa Meier of 45 Gordon Road Grandchester Qld, is this person a dog breeder or rip off, a con, a liar and dog abuser? GOw8FBH

This was her the late afternoon before we rushed her to the veterinary hospital, she couldn't stand on her own by then-.
Melissa Meier of 45 Gordon Road Grandchester Qld, is this person a dog breeder or rip off, a con, a liar and dog abuser? QwPSqeN

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Join date : 2010-02-02
Location : Brisbane bayside

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