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Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails.

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Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Empty Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails.

Post  liquidg 8th December 2011, 4:50 am

due to photobuckets money grab/rip off the photos are not organised.

flat worms
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. WlUQt4W

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. BP5D15F

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. CVnAeh9

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. 7z6DeCV

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. RSllveO

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Hrh32Tq

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. H0Cykus

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. EkDmRis

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Aaum7lU

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. OxbjT6U

Spanish dancer
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Sy5DJ7d

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. QqinNA4

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. 76qm5iP

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. LlpvSBl

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Ebyzw6C

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. 4VBeS7i

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. RYFZbRK

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. CFiK3US

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. QsqZq1S

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. 1AnMMQN

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. JmRxhhz

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. OTTjvMb

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. P7GWDd3

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. FkoMnr3

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. C0riKKe

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. 1ADSmSK

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. L2Kz2Un

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. TnjzxFN

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. XeQdCgO

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. GZgHskT

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. OQns9l2
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. IgRhHlM

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Mg37uUD

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. RR8GmJh

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. LIL0OgR

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. H5Ncodv

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. OEgF0q9

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. FUlu9QJ

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. JoGKwW9

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. NYfexqd

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. AhXXniE

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Bo3Uq1p

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. UKV59tk

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. J47deSD

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. NdaiVXu

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. WaIDCiU

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. WuVIfPF

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. L4cLvbX

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. D6V4HZe

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Gx9RTiP

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. M1X5nFG

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. GBqDU6j

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. D6V4HZe

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. STSQTfS

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. HgExxx5

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Ubr1vfb

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. GU3q2gf

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. AhXXniE

bubble snails
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. K6xdXWH

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. NcgOPtu

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. WgeScjx

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. BlXRp5Z

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. RR8GmJh

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. P7pawXC

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. JvM6tH6

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. DgLsrTl

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. AJbOWJi

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. UjZvufi

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Sm8fNMJ

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. X5nFTsq

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. QFZp3vV

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. 7kYtJjm

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Wbxz3sb

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. QFyfFeb

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. XbbbuKy

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. RZfEl7I

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. EgJXTIx

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. 3rzyc0I

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. XHppwY2

sea hairs
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. NTfglYp

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. GrrYMQD

seahair face
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. KEyhlD4

nudi doing a pooh
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. T1dOGS3

There are no nudibranches that are completely reef aquarium safe!!

Dendrodorid family of nudribranch.
All of the dorid varieties that follow are carnivorous and are not usually reef safe.  
Hexabranchus sanguineus or Spanish dancer.
From juvenile, sub-adult to adult.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Adult swimming.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Glossodoris atromarginata.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Nudi3

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Nudih
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Nudi4

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Same nudi in flight.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Aplysia dactylomela or sea hair.
We see heaps of these on collecting trips to certain areas.
These sea slugs are simultaneous hermaphrodites with the male genitalia between the right eye and its mouth, from there the female genitalia is a very profound ciliated groove extending dorsally backward from the male genitalia. Once eggs are achieved and released, they remain in the plankton for approximately one month.  
This sea slug gill structure is located on its right side of its mantle.
These sea slugs, all being herbivores though consume cyano bacteria a well, can convert photosynthetic pigments from consumed algae into chemical deterrents and are equipped with repugnatorial glands they use to protect them selves when threatened by releasing these deterrents in what appears like ink and that coloured “ink” depends on which algae has recently been consumed. This in a confined area like and aquarium or bucket can kill or harm all other life in that space. Their skin is also equipped with the same toxic mix.  
There are a few other sea hair variations found in SEQ and world wide, but this one is the most common here in SEQ.

These herbivores can use the parapodia/wings to allude predation if need be, also they can begin spawning from two months of age until approximately seven months of age and that is the end of the reproductive capacity, during that short time they can potentially each achieve 60 to 70 million eggs, from there they just live out their lives and consume.
Reef safe until to large or they run out of a food supply, its best to have a area of high nutrient growing algae and cyano externally to keep them alive between tank cleaning exercises or share them with other reefers.

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Aplysia extraordinaria,or sea hair.
This is not the regular sea hair; it will consume decorative algae types making “not” reef safe!
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Aeolid nudibranch family members.
First up the aeolid species that easts aiptasia

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

The aeolid species that eats only colonising anemones like Aptasia.

dorid species that eats mat ascidians
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Random pics.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Ceratosoma magnificent
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Common Moreton bay nudibranch
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket
Video of that species

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Haminoea simillima or Dappled glassy bubble snail.
Common in the south east at outer ocean rock pools and these ones eat only algae.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Cephalaspidea-Hydatina physis-bubble shell fish.
This sea slug relative exists on worms as their main diet.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Nudi7

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Pseudobiceros family or flat worms.
Unlike the member of this family called polyclads, these flat worms featured are reef safe, though all flat worms are meat eaters, these ones feed primarily on ascidians and small benthic crustaceans and subsidise these with some algae forms.
They have been known to graze on small worms but prefer the above, if they are not provided with these foods, they starve quite quickly. If you add a semi opened oyster from time to time, this will keep them going nicely.
The flat worms are the colour of pigments of the creatures they consume and if they appear washed out, they are starving!
The dull white/grey or the naturally washed out looking species are predators to corals.
Many forms of reef life in particular like large crabs as such are predators to all these.
A large matured reef aquarium can sustain one of two quite easily.

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Pleurobranchidae family

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Nudi6

Dendronotina family.
Not reef safe!

Pleurobranchus Weberi.
Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Nudibranch/flat worms/Plakobranchidae and local bubble snails. Pbucket

Posts : 2781
Join date : 2010-02-02
Location : Brisbane bayside

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